On October 23rd and 24th we received the visit of our NEEMO consortium monitor to monitor the status of the CONVIVE LIFE project and its actions. During her visit we were able to review in the field the different implementation actions of the project: the removal of...
El proyecto CONVIVE LIFE está llevando a cabo una nueva campaña de eliminación de Baccharis halimifolia en las cuatro zonas de estudio del proyecto: estuarios de Tina Menor y Oyambre, marismas de Joyel y laguna de Victoria, con el objetivo de poder controlar su...
As part of the follow-up and dissemination actions of the CONVIVE LIFE project, we present a virtual tour of one of the four study areas of the project: the Joyel marshes.By means of this virtual tour it is possible to observe the state of the plant communities of the...
During April 24-26, representatives of IHCantabria attended the technical workshop “Conservation and Restoration of coastal habitats” organized by the LIFE CONHABIT project (LIFE+ 13/NAT/ES/000586) in Conil de la Frontera (Andalusia), where representatives...