Éstas son todas las Noticias del proyecto CONVIVE LIFEAfter its completion, the CONVIVE LIFE project continues to generate interesting results.
Following the implementation of a brackish wastewater treatment system in the Tina Menor estuary within the framework of the CONVIVE LIFE project, the Ria Association, through its researchers, has published a scientific article with the main results derived from the...
(Español) El proyecto llega a su fin, y presenta su Informe Layman.
El proyecto CONVIVE LIFE, cofinanciado por el programa LIFE de la Unión Europea y coordinado por IHCantabria, ha llegado a su fin y presenta el Informe Layman que resume los objetivos del proyecto, las acciones desarrolladas y los logros alcanzados. Este informe,...
(Español) Termina el proyecto ConviveLIFE y presentamos sus principales conclusiones
Los responsables del proyecto han presentado las conclusiones de su trabajo, llevado a cabo desde el 2015, y que demuestra la posibilidad del binomio socio-económico y conservacionista en los estuarios de Cantabria. Tras casi seis años de trabajo, se han presentando...
The Convive LIFE project keeps on working on our estuaries conservation
The CONVIVE LIFE project keeps on working from home in the conservation of the estuaries of Cantabria. During this last phase of the project, we are writing the progress reports of the different conservation actions of the project and its main results, and...
The networking is still rising
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The works for the control of Baccharis haliminifolia have finished
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(Español) Seguimos con las acciones de control de la especie invasora Baccharis halimifolia en Tina Menor
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We have received the Visit of our NEEMO monitor
On October 23rd and 24th we received the visit of our NEEMO consortium monitor to monitor the status of the CONVIVE LIFE project and its actions. During her visit we were able to review in the field the different implementation actions of the project: the...
(Español) Trabajos de control de Baccharis en los estuarios del proyecto CONVIVE LIFE
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We present the virtual tour of Joyel’s marshes
As part of the follow-up and dissemination actions of the CONVIVE LIFE project, we present a virtual tour of one of the four study areas of the project: the Joyel marshes.By means of this virtual tour it is possible to observe the state of the plant...
(Español) Presentamos el proyecto CONVIVE LIFE y sus principales actuaciones en la “Jornada Informativa sobre la convocatoria LIFE 2019” organizada por la Cámara de Comercio de Cantabria
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We attended the technical workshop on “Conservation and Restoration of coastal habitats” organized by the LIFE CONHABIT project.
During April 24-26, representatives of IHCantabria attended the technical workshop "Conservation and Restoration of coastal habitats" organized by the LIFE CONHABIT project (LIFE+ 13/NAT/ES/000586) in Conil de la Frontera (Andalusia), where representatives...
(Español) Restaurada la hidrodinámica natural de la ría del Capitán
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Concluded the diffusion action CONVIVE-NATURA
The second CONVIVE-NATURA day of the CONVIVE LIFE project took place on 19 November, putting an end to the action of dissemination of the same name.The conference, aimed at users and agents of the Natura 2000 space "Rías Occidentales y Duna de Oyambre", took place in...
We continue the networking actions in this case with the projects LIFE Tremedal and LIFE Restauración.
The CONVIVE LIFE project continues to expand its network of contacts. Representatives of the coordinating beneficiary of the project (IHCantabria) and of Aves Cantábricas S.L. made a visit to the Basque Country on November 12th, during which they were able to visit,...
Seminar on Management of Coastal Wetlands helded
The seminar "Management and management of coastal wetlands in the framework of LIFE projects" was held on 25 and 26 October at the Casa de las Mareas de Soano (Arnuero) within the framework of action C4 Drafting of a Biodiversity management plan for the...
(Español) Finalizan los Talleres CoEduca
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Presentación del proyecto CONVIVE LIFE en las I Jornadas de Patrimonio Europeo de Cantabria
El proyecto CONVIVE LIFE continúa con el desarrollo de las acciones de seguimiento de las actuaciones de restauración en los estuarios de la región. El seguimiento periódico de la calidad de las aguas de nuestros estuarios y la evolución de las comunidades...